September 19, 2024
Science and Technology

Scientists Debate DNA Manipulation Of Animals To Create New Species

September 14, 2021 at 01:48 AM
In the movie Jurassic Park, reconstructing and tweaking genetic material makes it possible to bring dinosaurs back to life. Read More »

Meet Altos Labs, Silicon Valley’s latest wild bet on living forever

September 08, 2021 at 01:40 AM
Funders of a deep-pocketed new "rejuvenation" startup are said to include Jeff Bezos and Yuri Milner. Read More »

Creepy Conspiracy Theory Claims The Internet “Died” Years Ago - Not Only That, But Everything Online Is Generated By Bots.

September 07, 2021 at 01:50 AM
In between the anti-vaccine and flat Earth diatriabes, conspiracy theorists occasionally come up with interesting and provocative ideas. A good example of a recent one is the “Dead Internet Theory.” Read More »

“Our Species is Being Genetically Modified”: Humanity’s March Toward Extinction? Analysis of the Microbiome and Virome

August 27, 2021 at 02:54 AM
This year marks a seminal turning point in human history. For the first time since human civilization began, our species is being genetically modified. Vaccine manufacturers have now made it possible for the human genome to be permanently altered—and humanity’s relationship with nature forever changed—by means of an experimental pharmaceutical injection that is being falsely referred to as a “vaccine.” Read More »

University of Technology Sydney: A Promising New Treatment For COVID-19 Infection

August 26, 2021 at 01:11 AM
A flowering plant native to North Africa and Western Asia could be utilised in the future treatment of COVID-19 infection. Read More »

Apple, Google, and Samsung move to normalize vaccine passports with wallet function

August 25, 2021 at 03:20 AM
Vaccine passport wallets will soon be built into the operating system. Read More »

The Untold Story Of mRNA Technology Used In COVID-19 Vaccines

August 25, 2021 at 03:02 AM
Without Ian MacLachlan’s innovative delivery system, Moderna and Pfizer couldn’t safely get their mRNA vaccines into your cells. So why does hardly anyone acknowledge the Canadian biochemist’s seminal contributions—or pay a dime in royalties? This is the untold story of mRNA technology used in COVID-19 vaccines and how it’s inventor is canceled by Big Pharma.   Read More »

Meet Toka, the Most Dangerous Israeli Spyware Firm You’ve Never Heard Of

July 28, 2021 at 03:02 AM
The mainstream media’s myopic focus on Israel’s Pegasus spyware and the threats it poses means that other companies, like Toka, go uninvestigated,  even when their products present an even greater potential for abuse and illegal surveillance. Read More »
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