July 27, 2024

Exceptional volumes of sea ice are a headache for climate alarmists

Author : Rhoda Wilson | Editor : Anty | July 06, 2023 at 08:32 AM

While corporate media reports that it’s too late to save Arctic Sea ice, it seems the Arctic has other plans.  Greenland’s snow and ice gains are proving exceptional and cherry farmers in British Columbia, Canada, are warning record low temperatures could reduce their yields.

As recently as three weeks ago, The Guardian and The New York Times reported ‘Too late now to save Arctic summer ice, climate scientists find – Climate crisis’ and ‘A Summer Without Arctic Sea Ice Could Come a Decade Sooner Than Expected’ respectively.  Both articles report on a paper published in Nature Communications which used data from 1979-2019 to “demonstrate the importance of planning for and adapting to a seasonally ice-free Arctic in the near future” due to a future of “ice-free Arctic in September.”

However, as Electroverse points out, corporate media have failed to report the news last week that more snow and ice in Greenland was visibly seen, as was thicker sea ice further out to sea.

Sea Ice “Unusually Close” To Icelandic Coast

As reported in recent days, Greenland snow and ice gains are proving exceptional – particularly for the time of year. And similarly, sea ice around Iceland is “plentiful” and has advanced “unusually close” to the country’s northern coastline.

While corporate media devotes buckets of ink to the pockets of North Atlantic warming – a natural phenomenon tied to El Nino – a North Coast Guard flight yesterday discovered exceptional volumes of sea ice just off Iceland’s coastline, which they say threatens seafarers.

“Ice is coming up to the shore some eight to nine nautical miles from Hornstrandir, which is closer than we’ve seen in recent times,” said sea ice expert Ingibjörg Jónsdóttir, who was on Thursday’s flight.

Thicker sea ice was also present further out to sea, continued Ingibjörg, which could prove dangerous for smaller ships.

Further reading: Thick Ice Forces Russian Ships To Take The Long Way Round; Record Cold Across Belarus And Latvia; + Chill Stretches Perth Power To The Brink, Electroverse, 7 June 2023

These cold waters are a headache for the Anthropogenic Global Warming (“AGW”) Party, which is why news of them won’t reach their lapdog media outlets.

The pockets of warm waters in North Atlantic, on the other hand … “The basic reason is that all the world’s oceans are much warmer than they were, and that is simply the result of global warming,” stated Halldór Björnsson, of the Icelandic Met Office – a claim we’re expected to dutifully and quietly swallow at this point – no evidence or explanation required – The Science is settled!

We see this “selecting” all the time.

We see it regarding Icelandic oceans – as discussed above – and also with the very cold waters off the western U.S. coast which, this spring, were among the coldest ever recorded. Northern San Diego’s Scripps Pier in La Jolla, for example, recorded a water temperature of just 52F in April, a reading just shy of the all-time coldest benchmark of 50F. Temperatures in San Diego itself have also been running below normal every month since November – another fact obscured and ignored (look, WILDFIRES!).

British Columbia’s Cherry Farmers Deploy Helicopters

Western Canada’s growers are warning record-low temperatures could drop their yields by as much as 50% this year.

Okanagan cherry growers are already reeling from a record-cold winter, but now historic late-spring/early-summer lows combined with the recent damaging rains have seen the farmers take exceptionally measures to save their ripening fruit.

With just weeks before harvest, orchards up and down the Okanagan are hiring helicopters to blow away moisture from the sugar-swollen fruit. Pooling rain can cause fruit to swell, breaking or splitting the delicate skin and potentially spoiling the cherry,

“Hiring helicopters is not something we undertake lightly,” said Sukhpaul Bal, cherry grower and president of the B.C. Cherry Association. “They are very expensive, and if there were another way to save our crop, we would.”

The powerful downdraft of a helicopter’s rotors is highly effective at removing rainwater pooling in the stem bowl of cherries. Blowers attached to orchard tractors can also be used but the process takes 40 to 50 minutes an acre, compared to the 5 minutes it takes for a copter. However, the cost is high, says Bal – between $1,000 and $1,600 per hour of flying time.

Fruit growers throughout the Okanagan region are warning that orchards and vineyards hit by winter’s record-low temperatures could see yields drop by as much as 50% this year.

These fears chime with last years, when a sudden freeze again forced B.C. cherry growers to employ the use of helicopters – an increasing phenomenon, it appears.

Blizzards Batter Australian Alps

Thursday was another very cold day across the southern half of Australia.

So cold, in fact, that myriad of weather stations posted their lowest June highs on record.

These include, Munglinup, WA; Port Augusta, SA; Snowtown, SA; Kadina, SA; Murrage Bridge, SA; Yarrawonga, VIC; Shepparton, VIC; Portland, VIC; Cape Nelson, VIC; and Dartmoor, VIC.

Note also with Shepperaton, the Bureau of Meteorology (“BoM”) inexplicably raised yesterday morning’s observed low by 1.1C, and in doing so denied the town a new all-time record, read more: Australia’s BOM Denies Shepparton Its All-Time Record Low, Inexplicably Raises Temp 1.1C; Utah Sets New Avalanche Record; + Greenland’s Summer Snow And Ice Gains Intensify

What the BoM can’t deny, however, are the blizzard conditions currently pounding the Aussie Alps.

Alpine resorts received a healthy dumping last week, with the snow depth at Spencers Creek, for example, measuring almost 60cm (2 ft). And with the forecast pointing to another 50-or-so centimetres (20 inches) hitting by next Tuesday, resorts are expected to receive enough snow to open up extra swaths of terrain.

All this Aussie snow is painting a similar setup to last year, which wound up being a record-breaking bumper season with snowstorm after snowstorm delivering 1.2m (4ft) of snow in June, culminating in a peak depth of 2.3m (7.5ft) by September.

Despite this real-world data, however, the AGW juggernaut must of course be maintained. Mountainwatch editor Reggae Elliss recently said, “climate change means the ski seasons are starting later and finishing earlier.”

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- Source : Rhoda Wilson

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