July 26, 2024

A dramatic change in France: in 3 years, Macron has placed 500 orders with private firms, 43 billion euros spent

July 19, 2023 at 07:31 AM
“The Republic of Consultants”. This is the expression used by the journalists of the  Nouvel Obs  to describe the excessive recourse of the French State to private consulting firms for the management of the country. Constantly solicited by the State, these firms ended up replacing the civil servants now relegated to the background. Read More »

John Kerry Skewered By French TV Host After Condemning Putin Invasion: "Why Isn't Bush Judged In The Same Way?"

July 04, 2023 at 08:16 AM
John Kerry, who is Biden's special presidential envoy for climate, came up against rare pushback when he tried to issue the usual invective and talking points on Russia's invasion of Ukraine and Putin's aggression while speaking on French television in Paris.  Read More »

The EU Wants To Make It Legal To Install Spyware on Journalists’ Devices

July 03, 2023 at 03:54 AM
In a contentious turn, EU leaders have unveiled draft legislation permitting national security agencies to deploy spyware on journalists’ phones in certain circumstances.  Read More »

Big scandal in France: justice cancels Anticor's approval and stabs Democracy in the back

June 29, 2023 at 04:59 AM
An extremely dangerous judicial decision in a democracy. The Anticor association which fights against corruption and which gives a hard time to the government of Emmanuel Macron has just lost its approval without which it can no longer take legal action.  Read More »

Ukraine Blows Up Togliatti-Odessa Ammonia Pipeline in Kharkov Region

June 19, 2023 at 04:38 AM
A Ukrainian sabotage group has blown up the Togliatti-Odessa ammonia pipeline in Kharkov region. There are casualties among the civilian population, the Russian Defense Ministry said on Wednesday. Read More »

Big scandal in France: according to Mediapart, Marlène Schiappa "personally sweetened 100,000 euros in subsidy to SOS Racisme"

June 15, 2023 at 10:26 AM
Marlène Schiappa, once again, in the hot seat in the case of the Marianne Funds. Indeed, while several media in France are reporting possible irregularities in the expenditure linked to this fund which was supposed to be used to fight against Islamist separatism, the Secretary of State has just been personally accused by Mediapart of " sweetening 100,000 euros in subsidy to SOS Racisme”. Read More »

A dramatic twist: MEPs revolt and summon Von Der Leyen to testify on the contracts signed with Pfizer

June 14, 2023 at 10:23 AM
In a letter consulted by  Politico , MEPs, members of the Special Committee on Covid, summoned Von Der Leyen, President of the European Commission, to come and explain publicly about the vaccine contracts she signed with Pfizer and which are estimated at several billion euros. MEPs justify this decision by the need to shed light on an opaque affair which has sparked anger within the European Union  Read More »

The EU Wants All Citizens To Have A Digital ID By 2030

June 08, 2023 at 03:52 AM
The digital ID rollout is accelerating with little attention and not enough pushback. The European Commission has set aside €46 million (about $49 million) for the controversial European digital identity wallet, an upcoming smartphone app that will allow citizens of all 27 member states of the EU to store and share a digital ID. The money will be invested in pilot programs. Read More »

Under Macron, France brings back preventive censorship after more than 140 years

June 06, 2023 at 03:27 AM
On May 9, French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin asked the prefects throughout France to ban all events and protests organized by “the far right or the ultra-right.” In Paris alone, the police prefecture banned six such events last weekend, including a symposium organized by the Iliade Institute Read More »

Belgorod attack helps Kiev to disguise its military disaster in Bakhmut

May 29, 2023 at 09:34 AM
Two days after the Russians took control of the Donbass’ key city of Artyomovsk (Bakhmut), pro-Ukrainian saboteurs invaded the undisputed sovereign space of the Russian Federation and created moments of terror among local civilians. The case once again shows the real nature of the Ukrainian state, in addition to working as a "psychological operation" (“psyop”) of mass distraction to prevent the media from reporting Russia’s territorial advance on the battlefield. Read More »
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