July 27, 2024

Canadian BLM president charged for hate crimes against Catholic School

July 07, 2023 at 10:18 AM
The president of a Black Lives Matter chapter in Canada has been charged with a hate crime over an alleged incident that occurred at a Catholic school in Calgary, Alberta. Read More »

UU Russophobia, Siapapun Menyatakan Benci Rusia Bisa Ditangkap

May 24, 2023 at 09:44 AM
Anastasia Chernysheva (22) punya toko roti Xoxo Bakery di Moskow, ibukota Rusia. Tokonya laris manis. Tapi sejak April lalu, Komite Investigasi menyegel tokonya karena ia membuat roti warna biru-kuning, simbol Ukraina. Read More »

20 Women Sexually Abused By Jeffrey Epstein Were Paid Through JPMorgan

March 01, 2023 at 11:05 AM
According to a recent court document, at least 20 women who suffered from sex trafficking and sexual abuse at Jeffrey Epstein properties were compensated through JPMorgan Chase accounts. Read More »

Gender-Confused Teens Committed Suicide After Receiving Trans Hormones From Researchers

February 27, 2023 at 10:14 AM
According to a recently conducted study, gender-confused teens committed suicide after taking trans hormones from researchers. Read More »

Microplastics Equivalent Of 3 Million Plastic Bottles Fall From Sky In Auckland Every Year

December 20, 2022 at 10:40 AM
Microplastics equivalent of 3 million plastic bottles fall from sky in Auckland every year. The University of Auckland investigation found that polyethylene (PE) was the main substance found, followed by polycarbonate (PC) and polyethylene terephthalate (PET). Read More »

The Vaccinated Now Account For A Majority Of COVID Deaths

December 07, 2022 at 03:26 AM
There’s a remarkable concession appearing in The Washington Post today: “a majority of Americans dying from the coronavirus received at least the primary series of the vaccine.” Read More »

Liberating Africa From Poverty Requires Changing Power Relations With The West

November 29, 2022 at 07:07 AM
Soon after arriving in Oslo, my taxi zigzagged through the city’s well-organized streets and state-of-the-art infrastructure. Large billboards advertised the world’s leading brands in fashion, cars, and perfumes. Yet, amid all the expressions of wealth and plenty, an electronic sign by a bus stop flashed the images of poor-looking African children needing help. Read More »

Chaos in England as Muslim gangs hunt down Hindus on the streets of Leicester

September 30, 2022 at 10:00 AM
Ongoing clashes between Muslims and Hindus in the city of Leicester, England, rage on, and some politicians are blaming the city’s open borders policy for the chaotic situation. Read More »

Please Some Straight Talk from the Peace Movement

September 28, 2022 at 11:00 AM
It has been a normal couple of weeks for reporting on what is going on in Israel, which is to say that the bad things it has been doing have been carefully suppressed by the US government and the media. Read More »

The Meat Replacement Hypothesis

September 27, 2022 at 04:39 AM
Farmers across the world are in open revolt against their governments. In India, thousands of farmers have stormed New Delhi, alleging collusion between the Prime Minister and major agricultural corporations. Read More »
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