September 20, 2024

‘Ghostlike’ Jupiter captured in latest batch of stunning NASA photos

Author : RT | Editor : Samus | March 31, 2017 at 04:35 PM

NASA has released images of Jupiter taken from the Juno probe during its fifth orbit of the planet. Amateur astronomers have processed the raw images into stunning full-color photographs.

Juno completed its latest orbit on March 27, and sent new images back to Earth using the JunoCam.

The $1 billion spacecraft launched in 2011 and took five years to reach Jupiter and begin orbiting the planet.

NASA wants to “involve the world in planning and processing images,” taken by the JunoCam, and has encouraged amateur astronomers to process the images, “carrying out steps a science team would ordinarily do.”

Astronomy enthusiasts have risen to the challenge, creating stunning images of Jupiter in all its glory.

Roman Tkachenko created this beautiful image of Jupiter’s north pole.

This green-tinged version by CosmEffect shows the “ghostlike shading” on the planet’s north pole.

A number of other images of the planet have been processed, highlighting the contrasting colors and detail of the planet. A swirling “pearl” storm was also captured on Jupiter, southwest of the white oval.

Juno’s next close flyby of Jupiter will occur on May 19, 2017.

- Source : RT

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