September 19, 2024

Soyuz TMA-20M Reentry Capsule With Crewmembers Lands in Kazakhstan

Author : Sputnik News | Editor : Samus | September 07, 2016 at 02:53 PM

A spokesman to the Mission Control Center reported that the Soyuz TMA-20M space vehicle's reentry capsule with three crewmembers of the International Space Station has successfully landed in Kazakhstan.

The Soyuz TMA-20M space vehicle's reentry capsule with three crewmembers of the International Space Station (ISS) has successfully landed in Kazakhstan, a spokesman to the Mission Control Center said on Wednesday.

"The landing was registered. The descent vehicle landed 148 kilometers [92 miles] from the city of Jezkazgan in the Karaganda region of Kazakhstan," the spokesman told RIA Novosti.

The search-and-rescue support of the landing involved 200 soldiers, 12 Mi-8 helicopters with special equipment, four AN-12 and AN-26 planes.

Earlier in the day, the Soyuz TMA-20M successfully undocked from the International Space Station (ISS), to return Russian cosmonauts, commander Alexei Ovchinin and flight engineer Oleg Skripochka, along with NASA’s astronaut, flight engineer Jeff Williams from the ISS to Earth.

- Source : Sputnik News

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