September 19, 2024

New Joint Projects on Microsatellites

Author : Sputnik News | Editor : Samus | April 13, 2016 at 02:28 PM

Italy’s space program would like to extend its technological cooperation with Russia into the fields of microsatellites and orbiting swarms or constellations of satellites, Italian Space Agency (ASI) President Roberto Battiston told Sputnik.

Battiston is the chair of General Physics at the University of Trento and is a member of the Center for Economic and Policy Research, the governmental committee advising Italy’s minister of research.

"We are supporting stronger collaboration in new area in micro satellites and constellations," Battiston said on Tuesday at the Space Symposium in Colorado Springs. "I think this will be a very interesting area in which to collaborate."

Battiston also noted that the ASI maintained close and continuous coordination with Russia’s federal space agency Roscosmos and its chief Igor Komarov.

"We are in regular discussion with Mr. Komarov and Roscosmos. We keep contact on a regular basis."

- Source : Sputnik News

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