September 20, 2024

Man Takes 10 COVID Vaccine Shots In Single Day

Author : GreatGameIndia | Editor : Anty | December 28, 2021 at 04:03 AM

man got vaccinated 10 times against Covid-19 in single day. He got vaccinated on behalf of other people and has been called “unbelievably selfish”. It is still not clear where this incident took place in the New Zealand.

Group manager of operations for the COVID-19 vaccine and immunization program in New Zealand, Astrid Koornneef said, we are taking this issue seriously and we were aware of the matter, according to the New Zealand Herald.

“We are very concerned about this situation and are working with the appropriate agencies,” she said.

Koornneef said, people who had multiple vaccine doses than ideal doses, they should look for clinical advice.

“To assume another person’s identity and receive a medical treatment is dangerous. This puts at risk the person who receives a vaccination under an assumed identify and the person whose health record will show they have been vaccinated when they have not.

“Having an inaccurate vaccination status not only puts you at risk, it puts your friends, [family] and community at risk, and the health care teams that treat you now in the future.

“Medical practitioners operate in a high-trust environment and rely on people to act in good faith to share information accurately to assist with their treatment,” she said.

She added, if someone received a vaccination under an assumed identity, his/her record may not reflect, but it can affect his/her health in the future.

Helen Petousis-Harris, Vaccinologist and associate professor called the behavior “unbelievably selfish” and taking benefit of somebody in need of some money. These kinds of incidents can be harmful if unvaccinated people say they are vaccinated and spread the virus.

She added, the man took 19 shots in a day and may suffer any side effect and may feel lousy the next day from a general response of the immune system.

“We know that people have in error been given the whole five doses in a vial instead of it being diluted, we know that has happened overseas, and we know with other vaccines errors have occurred and there has been no long-term problems,” she said.

She added, taking 10 shots in a day is not ideal, clearing that when people are given higher vaccine doses, they suffer more headaches, pains and fever. It is believed that man who took multiple vaccine doses was paid for it.

A major Japanese medical bulletin study has warned that the risk of dying from the COVID-19 vaccine for people in their 20s maybe 40 times higher than the disease itself.

Documents released by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reveal that drugmaker Pfizer recorded nearly 160,000 adverse reactions to its Covid-19 vaccine in the initial months of its rollout.

According to Dr. Harvey Risch, an epidemiologist at Yale University, the COVID-19 pandemic was one of fear, manufactured by people in nominal positions of power as the virus spread around the world last year.

Further, a leading doctor credited with improving early treatment of COVID-19 said in a conference that the goal of vaccine transmission campaigns is to “control and kill off a large proportion of our population without anyone suspecting that we were poisoned.”

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- Source : GreatGameIndia

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