September 20, 2024

US Senators Call For Bill To Audit The CDC – From Decision Making To Public Health Messaging

Author : GreatGameIndia | Editor : Anty | August 03, 2021 at 02:16 AM

US Senators are calling for a Bill to finally audit the CDC – from its decision-making policies to public health messaging.

A group of 10 Republican senators is backing legislation that would require an audit of the decision-making and public health messaging by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The Senate proposal (read below), the Restore Public Health Institution Trust Act of 2021, would require the Government Accountability Office (GAO) to assess the CDC’s public health messaging and decision-making and prepare a report on its findings.

The report would include a review of the data that the CDC used to make its recommendations and whether the agency’s “inconsistent messaging” had an impact on the public’s trust and willingness to take the COVID-19 vaccine.

The measure would also require the GAO to determine whether outside entities, including teachers’ unions, were in a position to affect the CDC’s guidance.

The CDC revised its mask guidance last week, telling fully vaccinated people to don masks in crowded indoor settings. The agency based the decision on a study of an outbreak in Massachusetts which found that 74 percent of the people infected had been fully vaccinated.

People who have been fully vaccinated for COVID-19 yet still get infected with the delta strain could transmit the infection to unvaccinated people, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Rochelle Walensky said in justifying renewed recommendations for mask-wearing.

The CDC has also announced that they will revoke the emergency use authorization given to RT-PCR for COVID-19 testing.

Meanwhile, on account of his recent congressional testimony, Dr Fauci maybe facing 5 years in prison for lying to the Congress about funding the Gain-of-function research at Wuhan lab.

American lawmakers have also introduced the Fire Fauci Act with the intention to fire Dr Anthony Fauci for misinformation with regards to COVID-19 and for covering-up the origin of the virus.

The Fire Fauci Act will bring Fauci’s salary to $0 and require Senate confirmation to fill his position.

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- Source : GreatGameIndia

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