January 08, 2025

Myanmar: a colorful revolution to relaunch a latent civil war

Author : Strategika51 | Editor : Anty | March 09, 2021 at 02:28 AM

The Hybrid War and the Color Revolution are at work in Myanmar (ex-Burma) where the Empire wants to relaunch a latent civil war by pushing the inhabitants of this country to an armed confrontation.

The universal propaganda media focus on the demonstrators who died during the protest rallies, failing to specify that groups that have been fighting the central power since 1949 are behind the violent outbursts.

The first of these non-state actors is the Karen National Liberation Army or KNLA, which has long fought for self-determination for the Karen people. Soldiers of this veritable army were seen among the demonstrators.

The situation in Myanmar bears all the signs of a colorful revolution that could turn into armed conflict.

National Karen Liberation Army soldiers carrying the famous hand sign, the same as the one made by Myanmar's representative to the United Nations before resigning in protest against his country's policies. So he's a Karen. In this photograph, the militants are armed with Colt M-16A1 rifles and Chinese DZGI-40 projectile launchers.

Kyaw Mode Tun, Myanmar Representative to the United Nations, wearing the famous three-finger sign.

For its part, the army continues to deploy in the country. Navy units have been sent as reinforcements to several sites where the situation is likely to degenerate.

Sailors north of Oakkala, in the middle of the street under the gaze of civilians. The military are armed with BA-63 assault rifles, local copies of the excellent G-3A3

Openings of fire and even exchanges of fire were reported in several towns across the country.

Myanmar Army soldiers and police elements. They are armed with a local variant of the Israeli Galil assault rifle, itself a variant of the Russian Kalashnikov. One of the policemen near the white truck is armed with a local copy of the Israeli UZI submachine gun.

The situation is therefore explosive with the interference of the special services of the Empire who want at all costs to reverse the course of events in this strategic country of Southeast Asia after the loss of their pawn in power. Behind the scenes, a silent struggle between Beijing and Washington heralds another standoff for hegemony and access to Myanmar's formidable rare earth resources.

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- Source : Strategika51

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