January 01, 2025

Who Are The New World Order – A Brief History

Author : Iain | Editor : Anty | January 20, 2021 at 03:12 AM

If ever you mention the term ‘New World Order’ (NWO) people tend to look at you like you’ve taken leave of your senses. This is understandable because the suggestion that a hidden cartel of so called elite globalists (described more accurately as the parasite class) control the worlds economy and its political agenda is beyond imagination for most. Thankfully, for those who care to retain an open mind, there’s no need to employ imagination because the historical evidence which establishes the fact is unequivocal.

The author H.G.Wells coined the phrase in his book of the same name published in 1940. Wells viewed a single world government as a solution to war. In his opinion that government should be socialist. He also believed it should be based upon a global system of human rights protections.

Over the years various individuals and political institutions have used the term to encapsulate the idea of a single, unifying system of global governance. For example, the European Commission document ‘The European Union in the New World Order,‘ the transcript of a speech former EU Commission President José Manuel Barroso gave to Yale University,  speaks about the New World Order as a beneficial system of global governance.

Similarly most politicians and globalist figures, who have spoken about the New World Order, refer to it in a positive light.

“Further world progress is now possible only through the search for a consensus of all mankind, in movement toward a new world order.”
[Mikhail Gorbachev 1988]

“The world can therefore seize this opportunity to fulfil the long-held promise of a new world order ”
[President George H.W Bush 1991]

The New World Order cannot happen without U.S. participation, as we are the single most significant component. Yes, there will be a New World Order, and it will force the United States to change its perception
[Henry Kissinger 1994]

“[The] new world order that is in the making must focus on the creation of a world of democracy, peace and prosperity for all”
[Nelson Mandella 1994]

When global leaders have delivered their big New World Order speeches, most of these aspirational monologues have come in response to tumultuous global events. Wars, political upheaval, financial crisis and international trade disputes etc.

On the face of it they appear to be expressing the ideals advocated within the U.N Charter. Ostensibly a single system of international governance which compels every nation on earth to treat not only its own citizens but every other nation’s citizenry with respect, dignity and compassion. Which sounds like a very sensible idea. So why do some people keep banging on about the evil of the New World Order?

Firstly, the idea that any government can deliver peace and prosperity to its own citizens, let alone internationally, is an unsubstantiated hypothesis. Governments have consistently failed to deliver equality of opportunity to their people. The disparity between rich and poor is as large as it’s ever been and inequality of opportunity persists.

According to research by Credit Suisse, the combined wealth of the top 1% is greater than the total wealth of the rest of us put together. There are eight people who have more money than the bottom economic half of the world’s population. Over the next few years 500 people will pass on a combined $2.1 trillion inheritance to their heirs. This is more money than the entire economy of India, a country of 1.3 billion people.

The economist Thomas Pickety demonstrated, in the last 30 years, income growth, in real terms, for the lower half of the planet’s population has been zero while the top 1% have seen their real term incomes increase by 300%. To imagine that governments deliver peace and prosperity is without any substantiating evidence. All conflict, all injustice, social inequality, exploitation and even crime exists under the rule of government. To believe that government can or even would solve any of these problems is a blind faith.

Some nations enjoy better living standards than others but this is either a result of economic and technological development and/or one nations exploitation of another nations resources. These international disparities invariably emerge following some process of forced or coerced acquisition exercised by dominant governments at the expense of poorer governments. Either via war, colonisation, neocolonialism or simple corruption.

The average person in more affluent countries can afford some luxuries because underpaid or slave workers, somewhere else in the world, have provided the necessary raw materials or manufactured products for next to nothing. However, in times of austerity, governments never hesitate to squeeze the workers pay and conditions in their own nations, before moving on to asset strip essential services, in order to protect bank profits. They can do this because they have all the power and the population has none. So called democracy notwithstanding.

For those who propose a New World Order, such as Richard Haass president of the influential globalist think tanks the Council on Foreign Relations, it is the dream of a one world government led by a tightly bound clique of immensely powerful ‘policy influencers.’ Those who criticise this frequently referenced idea, universally castigated as ‘loony conspiracy theorists,’ it is simply global tyranny under an unelected, self appointed elite (parasites,) whose only real vision is that they are the rightful rulers of the Earth.

The Origins of the Modern New World Order

In 1902 the British business man and empire builder Cecil Rhodes died having amassed a staggering personal fortune by working people to death in the gold and diamond mines of South Africa. He founded De Beers Consolidated Mining in 1888 with the financial backing of the wealthiest bankers in the world, N.M. Rothschild & Sons. Upon his death he bequeathed his own immense fortune to create a number of projects, including both public foundations and a secret society.

Rhodes created seven wills in total. His 7th is the most well know as it established the Rhodes scholarship, which supports international postgraduate studies at Oxford University. Rhodes scholars have gone on to become some of the most powerful and influential people in the world of politics, science, medicine, business, the arts, academia, the law and the military.

However, the bulk of Rhodes’ fortune was set aside to create a single, one world government, based upon the British model of empire. It would be ruled from its centre by an Anglo-American elite who would exercise their control by covertly collaborating with, and manipulating, the world’s political, economic, scientific and cultural leaders.

In order to exert their covert power, the group Rhodes created had to be a secret organisation. As such, it wasn’t given any formal identification. Nor was it some sort of quasi-mystical, funny handshake brigade, though many of its members were also in other secret societies which were, but rather a group by voluntary association, shared interest and a united common purpose. Membership was offered based upon power and influence. Those who joined, agreed to take action in pursuit of the society’s aims. It wasn’t just a talking shop. They meant business.

The constituent groups came to be known by many names. ‘Milner’s Kindergarten,’ ‘The Round Table Group,’ ‘the Rhodes Crowd,’ ‘the Times Crowd,’ ‘The Chatham House Crowd,’ ‘All Souls Group’ and ‘the Cliveden set’ have all been names given to various organisations within this secret society over the years. It worked on the basis of ‘rings within rings.’ At the centre was a small group, ‘the Society of the Elect,’ who influenced the development and activities of its larger, working groups.

This compartmentalisation meant some society members were fully aware of the centre of power while others less so. However, all members agreed to the key objective. To establish a single global government, which some people today refer to as the ‘New World Order.’

Rhodes was a white supremacist and nationalist extremist. He was a man of his time and while this is rightly considered repugnant today it should be noted that his views were shared by the majority. He believed the English ‘Anglo-Saxon’ culture was superior to all others and the best thing that could ever happen to a nation was English colonial rule.

Consequently, he saw imperialism as a moral virtue. Therefore, any action that promoted Anglo-U.S. imperialist expansion, no matter what harm it inflicted upon the people, was seen by Rhodes and his fellow society members as righteous. In 1877 he wrote “Confession of Faith” in which he laid out his vision:

“I contend that we are the finest race in the world and that the more of the world we inhabit the better it is for the human race. Just fancy those parts that are at present inhabited by the most despicable specimens of human beings ……

…….Why should we not form a secret society with but one object the furtherance of the British Empire and the bringing of the whole uncivilised world under British rule for the recovery of the United States for the making the Anglo-Saxon race but one Empire….

….To forward such a scheme what a splendid help a secret society would be a society not openly acknowledged but who would work in secret for such an object…….
……Let us form the same kind of society a Church for the extension of the British Empire. A society which should have members in every part of the British Empire working with one object and one idea we should have its members placed at our universities and our schools and should watch the English youth passing through their hands just one perhaps in every thousand would have the mind and feelings for such an object….

……….For fear that death might cut me off before the time for attempting its development I leave all my worldly goods in trust to S. G. Shippard and the Secretary for the Colonies at the time of my death to try to form such a Society with such an object.”

Rhodes set about creating his elite group of royalty, colonialists, soldiers, bureaucrats, industrialists, spies, bankers, historians, scientists, artists, authors, politicians and others, to attempt to rule the world. In 1891 Rhodes, W.T.Stead (influential editor and journalist), Lord Nathan Rothschild (banker, politician & Rhodes’ trustee) and Reginald Baliol Brett (Lord Esher, a close friend and advisor to Queen Victoria and later King Edward VII and King George V) met to se4t their plan for global dominance in motion.

They immediately started their recruitment drive. They formed the ‘Society of the Elect’ by inviting Lord Alfred Milner (colonial administrator and powerful policy advisor) to join them. The next group they formed, who would remain closest to the seat of power, were ‘the Association of Helpers.’

In 1902, two months after Rhodes death, the NWO formed the transatlantic ‘Pilgrims Society.’ Rhodes aim had always been to unite the English-speaking world.

The British establishment mourned the loss of their American colony, but were also aware the British empire couldn’t be maintained indefinitely purely by military force. The Pilgrims Society was established to create the ‘special relationship’ between the U.S. and UK.

Today the first duty of any U.S. Ambassador to the UK is to meet with the British ‘Pilgrims Society.’ Conversely, the first duty of the UK Ambassador to the U.S. is to understand the wishes of the U.S. Pilgrims Society members.

The New World Moves Forward

When the Pilgrims Society was established a series of meetings took place in London in 1902 and New York in 1903. These were attended by the wealthiest individuals in U.S. and Britain and, therefore, the world.

Central banking was controlled from London, predominantly by Baron Alfred Rothschild, giving the British the monetary advantage. The Pilgrims Society set up the Rhodes Scholarship and Rhodes Trust in the U.S. In later years notable members have included Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Philip, Prince Charles, John D. and David Rockefeller, Winston Churchill, Henry Kissinger, Margaret Thatcher, Walter Cronkite and Allen and John Foster Dulles, to name but a few.

In southern Africa Lord Alfred Milner (‘Society of the Elect’ & Pilgrims Society member) brought together a number of talented and ruthless young lawyers and administrators into a collective which came to be known as ‘Milner’s Kindergarten.’ They worked to establish the Union of South Africa, predecessor to the current Republic of South Africa and instigator of the apartheid regime. They controlled much of the worlds diamond and gold markets.

In 1909, the Kindergarten was instrumental in the formation of the Round Table Movement. They established ‘Round Tables’ in Canada, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand and elsewhere across the British Empire.

The influence and power of the individuals who form the NWO is well illustrated by Kindergarten and leading Round Table member Lionel Curtis. In the face of rising German power in Europe and the increasing economic dominance of the U.S, he was chief amongst those who recognised the British military empire couldn’t survive. In 1911 Lionel Curtis decided the British Empire should be transformed into an economic power called the British Commonwealth of Nations and that India should be given self-governance. India was granted independence in 1947 and the British Commonwealth of Nations established in 1948, exactly as Lionel Curtis and his Round Table Group had decreed more than 35 years earlier.

The difficulty many people have in grasping the way the NWO wield power often stems from their focus upon the long game. Their strategy isn’t built upon quick profits or immediate successes. Like any well made plan they know things will go awry. But each move is a step along the path to the ultimate objective of a New World Order. It doesn’t just span years but rather decades, across generations or even centuries. Inexorably moving towards the global economic and political dictatorship they are determined to create. Something they are currently very close to achieving thanks to their creation of the climate emergency.

In 1910 Scottish borne U.S. industrialist Andrew Carnegie established the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (CEIP.) Its trustees were all industrialists and financiers. Many were linked to the J.P.Morgan controlled American International Corporation (AIC,) which became the corporate giant American International Group (AIG) in 1919.

The board including Elihu Root (AIC and Carnegie lawyer), Cleveland H. Dodge (industrialist, arms manufacturer and financial backer of President Wilson), George W. Perkins (Morgan partner banker), G. J. Balch (AIC and Amsinck), R. F. Herrick (AIC), H. W. Pritchett (AIC.) Carnegie himself was the chairman of the U.S. Pilgrim Society and the CEIP was formed with a specific purpose:

“……dedicated to advancing cooperation between nations and promoting active international engagement by the United States.”

The CEIP strongly influences U.S. foreign policy today, with close links to the U.S. State Department and more than a century long involvement with the U.S. political establishment. It is seen by most people (who know about it) as a force for peace through promoting international cooperation. This is an example of the duplicity of the NWO, and illustrates its standard modus operandi. By presenting the outward appearance of benevolent ‘foundations’ numerous groups like the CEIP work behind closed doors to achieve the societies geopolitical aims.

Foundations were made ‘tax exempt’ in the U.S. as ‘charitable’ organisations by the Revenue Act of 1917. This enabled the wealthiest people on Earth to fund their various social engineering projects without the need to pay any income tax. Income tax is only for the little people.

From the outset the CEIP identified how useful war could be both as a profit making exercise and also as a catalyst for social change. Norman Dodd served as chief investigator in 1953 for the U.S. Congress Special Committee on Tax Exempt Foundations. He was given access to CEIP records and what he discovered was very different from commonly held public perception. Dodd testified to the Reece Committee:

“The trustees of the Foundation [CEIP] brought up a single question. If it is desirable to alter the life of an entire people, is there any means more efficient than war…. They discussed this question… for a year and came up with an answer: There are no known means more efficient than war, assuming the objective is altering the life of an entire people. That leads them to a question: How do we involve the United States in a war.”

The CEIP was not formed in 1910 as a vehicle for peace. Quite the opposite. It is crucial to understand, for the NWO, war is merely a means to an end. It provides economic stimulus but also delivers huge social change. The use of war, conflict and armed insurrection are one of its primary methods to work towards the goal of one world government under the control of the corporate elite.

Once you know this, even mainstream interpretations of history render this glaringly obvious. Every significant conflict ends in a negotiated peace conference and every negotiation establishes further centralisation of power within larger regional bodies or intergovernmental organisations, consistently eroding sovereignty and consolidating power. War is a racket, and false flags, such as the sinking of the Lusitania which drew the U.S into WWI, are often favoured by the NWO to provide the necessary casus beli.

Following the end of WWI The NWO representatives, who formed the core of the U.S. and British delegations to Versailles, convened to create the system of international ‘think tanks’ that would enable them to rule from the shadows to this day. Under the direction of Lionel Curtis, the group of industrialists, financiers and political manipulators met to create the British Institute of International Affairs which received royal ascent to become the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA) in 1920. Many ‘Pilgrims Society’ members were present at the initial Paris meeting, and the American branch was formed as the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) in 1921, chaired by Elihu Root and funded by J.D.Rockefeller.

The New World Order Veil of Secrecy

Yet, despite the continuing power of these organisations, which still shapes foreign policy and international relations today, it was the creation of the RIIA’s ‘Chatham House Rule‘ in 1927, that enabled secret, undemocratic global governance to hide in plain sight. Historians have claimed the Chatham House Rule was designed to promote open dialogue among the most powerful people on the planet. We need only look at the current definition (following a couple of more recent revisions) to understand how misleading this interpretation is.

“When a meeting, or part thereof, is held under the Chatham House Rule, participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s), nor that of any other participant, may be revealed.”

This enabled the creation of the ‘Deep State Milieu.’ A global network of power brokers who can hide in the open thanks, in no small measure, to the Chatham House Rule. Only a very few journalists and researchers attempt to break down this wall of silence. Doing so will almost certainly result in them being labelled as ‘conspiracy theorists,’ a free fall career trajectory or worse.

The groups who hide behind the Chatham House Rule include the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the RIIA, the Bilderberg Group, Le Cercle and others. Many older elite societies have incorporated it into their discussion ‘rules,’ such as the Knights of Malta, Skull and Bones, the Pilgrims Society, Round Table groups and more. Similarly, international corporations and financial institutions use it, as do government steering committees, policy advisory boards and especially boards of directors. That this has been sold to the public as an aid to ‘open and transparent’ decision-making is hilarious.

While the rule itself isn’t enforceable by law, any organisation, including government, can cite it as a matter of policy. Anyone who breaches it will face disciplinary action. When the people at the meeting, enforcing the policy, are able to buy governments that ‘discipline’ is not something easily ignored. No matter who you are.

Effectively it means the most powerful, wealthiest people on Earth can meet to discuss whatever plans they may have without any public scrutiny. In order to maintain this hidden agenda the MSM have to be entirely complicit, never asking difficult questions and always respecting the Chatham House rule. This they do without exception, usually because the people who own the MSM are also members of the various Deep State organisations that form the New World Order.

New World Order Wars

Based upon the CEIP recognition that war is the most effective vehicle for mass social change, the NWO used their global corporations, the political parties they funded, the leading politicians they corrupted and their international banking cartels to create the economic, political and social conditions that led to WWI. Intentionally pushing the planet towards catastrophe in order to bring about their desired outcome.

In addition they funded the Russian revolution to ensure they retained access to future Soviet markets and secure their investment no matter who won the war. However, following the Treaty of Versailles they recognised that further work needed to be done. Therefore they continued their project to create a one world dictatorship by starting WWII.

Essentially the NWO loaned Germany the money to pay the reparations following WWI, ensuring Germany owed them, not sovereign nations, their debt. Thus placing the German economy entirely in their control. They then created industrial and manufacturing cartels within Germany, with the money administered by the banks they owned making themselves the primary beneficiaries of their own loans and further consolidating control of the German economy. Next, they used their subsidiary industrial cartels to rebuild the German military and finance the rise of the Nazis.

Once the fascists were in power, they funded their war effort against the Allied Nations who they were also financing during WWII. They ran both sides of the war from their secure headquarters in neutral Switzerland and, when WWII ended, they used the vast profits they had made from the deaths of more than 60 million people to finance another attempt at establishing a one world government in the shape of the United Nations.

I recognise this is probably not the history you are familiar with. However, once again, the evidence which proves this to be the case is overwhelming. All of which you can read about here.

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Just as WWI led to the creation of the failed league of Nations so WWII led to the establishment of the United Nations. It established a framework for world government but has yet to formally supersede the sovereignty of the member nations.

The next logical step for the NWO, on its road to the global capitalist / collectivist hegemony, was to create power blocks which genuinely destroyed national sovereignty. The economic control of the failed USSR project was a reasonable attempt but war in Europe provided the NWO the perfect opportunity to take a big step forward.

For the first time they were able to create an intergovernmental organisation, centrally administered by an unelected cabal, controlled by its own central bank, which managed many of the world’s richest economies. Today we call that project the European Union (EU) and the Deep State Milieu were at the heart of its creation.

- Source : Iain

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