September 20, 2024

Iran's Envoy to Egypt Claims US and Israel Seek to Sow Division in Arab World

Author : Tim Korso | Editor : Anty | December 29, 2020 at 04:22 AM

His statement comes in light of an Egyptian diplomat claiming in an interview that Iran and Israel are the greatest enemies to the Arab world. The comment also follows a series of normalisations of ties between Arab countries and Israel under US mediation.

The head of Iran's Interests Section in Egypt, Nasser Kan’ani, cautioned Arab states from falling into a policy trap purportedly promoted by the US and Israel and seeking to sow division between Arab states and Iran.

Kan’ani noted that Iran and the Arab world have a long history of social and cultural exchange, and stressed that Tehran has been actively supporting regional cooperation with its neighbours.  

"The interests of Iran and the Arab world would not be fulfilled with such confrontation", the Iranian diplomat pointed out.

The Iranian diplomatic official claimed that Tel Aviv, which he accused of being responsible for dividing Arabs and Iranians, was founded on the grounds of "hostility" towards the Arab world and called on other states not to regard Israel as a friend.

Nasser Kan’ani's statements come in the wake of claims by Egyptian diplomat Mostafa el Feki in a recent interview that Iran and Israel are the main enemies of the Arab world.

Four Arab states recently announced the establishment of diplomatic ties with Israel – Bahrain, the UAE, Morocco and Sudan. They join Egypt and Jordan in this capacity, which have long-established ties with Tel Aviv.

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- Source : Tim Korso

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