September 20, 2024

Danger! Information cyber warfare units hunt down, file and harass skeptics wondering about the COVID-19 vaccine ...

Author : Strategika51 | Editor : Anty | December 02, 2020 at 04:01 AM

Disturbing information begins to spread in open source about the establishment of "cells to fight cybernetics against all anti-vaccine comments" by the intelligence services of Canada, the United States of America, the Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Either the governments of the "Five Eyes" or "Five Eyes".

According to a Sunday Times article, the British government is preparing a massive information (disinformation) campaign aimed at the public to convince the population to agree to be vaccinated against COVID-19. So far nothing abnormal. What is striking is the use of the British army and more specifically the 77th “cultural defense” brigade to monitor and counter anti-vaccine propaganda on the net.

You are not hallucinating yet: Other military units of cyberwar and information warfare are mobilized for this purpose in clandestine operations to identify and file the "recalcitrant" people, the "leaders", people who ask too many questions about the usefulness or reliability of the COVID-19 vaccine from a western laboratory. Other units specializing in "online behavior change" such as the 77th Brigade of the British Army create and manage thousands of fake profiles and "Bots" on social media to guide and shape opinion. The majority categories of the population frequenting social networks are very easy to manipulate by a force dedicated to this mission.

This unit was formed in 2010, on the eve of the “Arab Spring”, a hybrid war by social engineering that won over some Arab regimes with an unprecedented combination of social networks, urban guerrilla warfare and more or less clandestine military action. She mainly served in Afghanistan to officially study the "behavior of the Afghan civilians" and to provide linguistic and cultural advice to the British troops engaged in this landlocked and warlike country of Asia.

But according to sources cited by The Sunday Times, this unit has at least one Twitter official and is known to create and manage troll farms and bogus profiles to shape a false opinion or misrepresent the facts. In other words, create false information following a biased strategy.

The British military is not the only one involved in these bizarre activities against British citizens and foreigners. British electronic intelligence, the famous GCHQ, is also involved in the development of tools for controlling and creating false information covering topics ranging from nano-particles to astrophysics, including microbiology and medicine. Hierarchical troll farms intervene in the discussions and try to influence or sabotage her when it comes to asking legitimate questions about the real issues of an emergency vaccine targeting a mutant pathogen of the family of Coronnavirus but not only: a week ago, two British Internet users who published statutes questioning the usefulness of paper masks were the subject of a typical targeting by a battalion of cyberwar (trolls) commanded by an active lieutenant-colonel. The two British citizens over the age of 60 with a solid academic background have been identified as a potential danger to the security of Her Majesty's Kingdom ...

Similar echoes reach us from other countries of the free world, including France.

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First instinctive question: why mobilize information services and therefore spies to track down and harass individuals questioning the official narration and let's say it explicitly, the doxa of COVID-19 and vaccines developed by the major laboratories of what the do we call Big Pharma close to very generous "philanthropic and disinterested patrons" like Bill Gates if there was not a very big eel under the rock or a blatant manipulation of human intelligence paralyzed by fear?

And to think that some dare to call any discordant voice of "conspirator" while they are the victims of one of the biggest world plots against the integrity of the human species.

Out of survival reflex, People do not want to wake up from the deep torpor induced by the bludgeoning of the perpetual war propaganda machine now operating at full capacity as part of a new plan to annihilate the discernment faculty of the human mind. Often the reality is too disturbing and brutal a truth to be accepted and the human prefers to persist in a false reality preserving him precarious privileges than to admit that he was manipulated from his arrival in this lower world until when it passes away.

- Source : Strategika51

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