September 20, 2024

Huawei Overtakes Samsung, Apple as Top Smartphone Vendor, Reports Claim

Author : Sputniknews.com | Editor : Anty | July 30, 2020 at 07:56 AM

Huawei became the biggest smartphone seller in the world after it overtook Samsung Electronics in the second quarter of 2020.

Huawei distributed 55.8 million devices, compared to Samsung’s 53.7 million, according to data from the research firm Canalys.

“Our business has demonstrated exceptional resilience in these difficult times,” a Huawei spokesman said.

“Amidst a period of unprecedented global economic slowdown and challenges, we’re continued to grow and further our leadership position.”

The company’s overseas shipments dropped 27% in Q2 from the previous year, but the company has improved its dominance of the Chinese market, which has been faster to recover from coronavirus and where it now sells over 70% of its handsets.

Huawei has come under increasing attack from the US and UK over security and privacy fears.

The Chinese firm is ahead of the pack in 5G technology development, which is seen by many as the main driver of US counteractions.

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- Source : Sputniknews.com

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