September 20, 2024

record of Israel support

Author : The New Arab | Editor : Indie | May 08, 2020 at 06:33 AM

Palestinians have deplored Washington’s approach, saying the Trump administration acts overtly favourable to Israel since the US recognised Jerusalem as the so-called capital of Israel.

Last month, the US described East Jerusalem Palestinians as “Arab residents” or “non-Israeli citizens” in an annual global human rights report, changing from the previously used “Palestinian residents” description.

After unilaterally recognising Jerusalem as Israel’s capital in December 2017 and its annexation of the Golan from Syria in March 2019, Trump in late January 2020 unveiled a peace plan for the Middle East that included many concessions to Israel.

The peace plan says it would let Israel annex a third of the West Bank, inside which are hundreds of illegal settlements along with the Jordan Valley.

It would give the Palestinians limited autonomy in a small archipelago of territory with a capital on the outskirts of Jerusalem, but only if they meet the near impossible conditions set out by Trump.

Under the plan, Israel would retain control of the disputed city of Jerusalem as its “undivided capital”, and annex settlements on Palestinian lands. Palestinians however want all of east Jerusalem to be the capital of any future state.

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- Source : The New Arab

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