September 20, 2024

Trump Welcomes Israel’s Illegal Plan to Annex West Bank Amid Growing Anger

Author : The New Arab | Editor : Indie | May 08, 2020 at 06:30 AM

The US announced it is willing to recognise and support Israel’s annexation of parts of the occupied West Bank shortly after Israel announced its illegal plan.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday vowed to go ahead with controversial annexations that analysts say takes Israel’s illegal occupation of the West Bank a step further.

The step was welcomed by the Trump administration, which has a track record for supporting Israel’s illegal settlements and plans for annexation.

“As we have made consistently clear, we are prepared to recognise Israeli actions to extend Israeli sovereignty and the application of Israeli law to areas of the West Bank that the vision foresees as being part of the State of Israel,” a US State Department spokesperson said on Monday.

The spokesperson added that the illegal annexation will be “in the context of the government of Israel agreeing to negotiate with the Palestinians along the lines set forth in President Trump’s Vision.”

The annexation plan comes after Netanyahu and his political rival Benny Gantz signed a deal for a unity government that could accelerate the premier’s plans to annex parts of the West Bank in the coming months.

In response, the Arab League will host an emergency meeting on Thursday to discuss how to galvanise opposition to the plan.

To be continued part 2...

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- Source : The New Arab

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