September 20, 2024

Trump Regime Pushing for Confrontation with Iran? (Part 2)

Author : Stephen Lendman | Editor : Indie | April 28, 2020 at 06:03 AM

Over the weekend, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani vowed that the Islamic Republic will “never” initiate conflict against another nation.

It’ll retaliate strongly against an aggressor if attacked, its legal right under international law.

The US remains its main threat, followed by Israel.

According to a Sunday Tribune News Service report, the Pentagon is boosting the presence of its AC-130 gunships and Apache attack helicopters in the Persian Gulf — a provocative action, along with the perpetual presence of US warships in Persian Gulf waters.

Days earlier, Trump belligerently “instructed the (US) navy to shoot down and destroy any and all Iranian gunboats if they harass our ships at sea.”

Iranian vessels harass no one. They patrol offshore waters, defending the nation’s territory from possible hostile actions from an aggressor like the US and Israel.

Trump’s war secretary Esper threatened Iran, saying “they need to be well-warned” — a hostile remark against the region’s leading proponent of peace and stability.

Moscow expressed concern about hostile US anti-Iran threats,  Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov saying the following:

“This is one of the methods that create uncertainty in the international community.”

“This is a deliberate desire to sow discord among members of the international community, given that different countries interpret the relevant provisions of international law differently.”

“This is one of the elements of US policy that is aimed at continuing to play on the nerves.”

To be continued part 3

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- Source : Stephen Lendman

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