September 20, 2024

Malaysian Activists Offer $270,000 for Info on Doomed MH370 Flight as Mystery Remains Unresolved

Author : Tim Korso | Editor : Indie | October 02, 2019 at 11:48 AM

After several years of fruitless searches for the missing plane, the Malaysian government suspended them in 2018, admitting that it couldn't determine the reason, why the plane changed its course and what happened to it afterwards.

Malaysian activists have intensified their efforts in searching for the missing flight MH370 by raising the stakes – now anyone, who provides any "new information" about the events, which happened "before, during or after the flight", can count on a 250,000 Euro reward (around $270,000) reward, according to the www.flightmh370.org website.

The activists indicated that such efforts and the reward were needed since the Malaysian government's investigation was closed without resolving the mystery. They also accused the government of "hiding information" about the investigation's findings since day one.

"The flight was carrying 239 people, among them, mothers, fathers, children and grandchildren. Friends and family members did not have a chance to say goodbye, and from that day they can not find peace", the website says.

Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 Boeing 777 vanished from radars on 8 March 2014 on its way to Beijing between Malaysian and Vietnamese airspace. The Malaysian government has been conducting an investigation and searching for debris from the plane in several regions of the Indian Ocean but without success. In May 2018 it acknowledged failing in this task and admitted that it doesn't know what happened to the missing plane.

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Kuala Lumpur, however, promised to resume investigations once it got hold of any "credible evidence", which could lead to finding the plane and its passengers. None of the evidence, found by numerous sleuths so far, has triggered a renewal of the searches, including the recovery of parts, allegedly belonging to the missing Boeing, on the shores of the Indian Ocean.

- Source : Tim Korso

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