September 20, 2024

Pakistan tests new homegrown ‘smart weapon’ amid tensions with India (VIDEO)

Author : RT | Editor : Indie | March 14, 2019 at 09:11 AM

The Pakistan Air Force has successfully tested a new domestically-built extended-range missile, said to be a “smart weapon.” It also vowed to respond “with full force” if subjected to any foreign aggression.

The weapon, which is apparently an air-to-surface missile, has been deployed by a JF-17 Thunder – a Chinese-Pakistani multirole fighter jet – the Air Force said on Tuesday. No characteristics of the new missile have been made publicly available, yet it is described as a “smart weapon” which has an “extended” range.

A short and grainy video of the test has been released, showing a fighter jet deploying the missile which then hits the designated area at a proving ground. Footage ends with a still showing the crater made by the missile.

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The development and successful test of the new weapon has been lauded by the Chief of Air Staff, Mujahid Anwar Khan, who praised the country's engineers and scientists for this achievement.

“Pakistan is a peace loving nation but if subjected to aggression by [an] adversary, we would respond with full force,” the official warned.

The test comes amid the standoff between Pakistan and India, which has continued between the two nuclear-armed nations since late February. The flare-up was triggered by a deadly suicide bombing in India's part of the Kashmir region, which killed some 40 paramilitary police. The attack was claimed by a Pakistan-based militant group, prompting India to perform cross-border air raids on the militant camps. Pakistan responded to New Delhi's operation by shelling and bombing targets in India.

- Source : RT

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