September 19, 2024

Harry Potter Fans Disgusted as JK Rowling Reveals Gross Detail About Hogwarts

Author : Sputnik News | Editor : Indie | January 08, 2019 at 10:23 AM

JK Rowling’s Pottermore Twitter account has spilled some secrets about the Harry Potter universe that the fans of the wizard boy with a lightning-shape scar on his forehead never thought they’d learn.

Pottermore used National Trivia Day to drop a bombshell fact about the plumbing history of the Harry Potter franchise’s school for wizards: it turns out that Hogwarts didn’t have bathrooms until the 18th century… the students relieved themselves wherever they stood, and the school simply had them make their poop vanish.

As “fun” as the newly-announced fact may seem, most fans are disgusted by the bizarre news in Potter-verse:

Some tweeted that the author of the book shouldn’t have revealed that detail:

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Some alluded to the widely known magic spells from the book to express their attitude towards the news:

- Source : Sputnik News

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