September 20, 2024

Transgender woman challenges store assistant to fight after being called ‘sir’ (VIDEO)

Author : RT | Editor : Indie | January 02, 2019 at 10:35 AM

In an epic tantrum that was caught on video, a furious transgender shopper threatened to “take it outside” with a store worker, after the counter server called her “sir” instead of “ma'am”.

The furious outburst took place at a GameStop in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and it began with the woman demanding a refund because the shop assistant called her “sir”.

Footage of the incident that was uploaded to Facebook shows the employee repeatedly apologizing as the woman continues to rage.

The video begins with the woman, shouting: “I don't want credit, you're going to give me my f***ing money back.”

As the exchange boils over a female customer tries to defuse the situation by offering to call the police. However she also called the woman 'sir', adding further fuel to the fire.

“Excuse me sir there is a young man in here you need to watch your mouth,” the anonymous woman says in a soft voice. “I can call the police if you would like me to, you need to settle down.”

The offended and enraged shopper replies: “Excuse me it is ma'am, it is ma'am. You need to settle down and mind your own business.”  

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When the GameStop associate intervenes the woman thought he called her “sir” again and she screamed: “Motherf*****, take it outside if you want to call me sir again. I will show you a f***ing sir.”

After repeatedly berating the worker for his apparent error the transwoman then stormed towards the exit kicking over numerous boxes on her way. However, not done yet, she did an abrupt turn and again began berating the worker, demanding the company's corporate number so she could make a complaint.

“I will get you that number right now,” the store associate says. There is a pause before the woman replies, “No, you’re just going to keep bumping your gums. You’re just going to keep bumping your gums and disrespecting trans people in this store. Which I plan on telling the entire LGBTQ community. You’re going to lose money over this.”

- Source : RT

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