September 20, 2024

Russian Tech: Selfie Can Tell You How Ill You Are

Author : Sputnik | Editor : Indie | April 04, 2018 at 10:20 AM

These days, people no longer have to go to a doctor to diagnose an ailment. All they need is a smartphone and a MeCare app developed in Russia.

A smartphone-enabled platform developed by a team of engineers in Nizhny Novgorod helps iPhone users diagnose ailments at an early stage.

According to the MeCare project’s author and manager Sergei Blintsov, the application also enables the use of a fitness-bracelet or smart watch to provide the owner with a clearer picture of his or her physical condition.

“MeCare has devised a unique method of diagnosing various ailments including an express-diagnostics for Parkinson’s disease and identifying cardio-vascular conditions by analyzing a patient’s selfies,” Blintsov said in a written interview with Sputnik.

He added that an analysis of the algorithms’ efficiency had found that up to 95 percent of the diagnoses were correct.

The team behind the MeCare platform is developing ever newer algorithms to expand the list of health conditions they are able to diagnose.

The idea to develop MeCare came after the team took part in the Russian final of the Microsoft Imagine 2017 international contest with a different project.

“Medicine and health care are vital spheres of our life and I’m sure that they will keep developing in the coming decades. It is my firm conviction that the MeCare application must be available on a free of charge basis. We also plan to give paid consultations and we are developing a variety of rehabilitation instruments for our clients,” Sergei Blintsov said.

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- Source : Sputnik

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