September 20, 2024

Tehran Acquires Breakthrough Technology to Manufacture Nuclear Batteries

Author : Sputnik | Editor : Indie | December 05, 2017 at 10:31 AM

Despite US pressure on the Iran nuclear deal, Tehran has developed a new nuclear technology and expressed hopes for cooperation with major world companies in the field.

Iran has mastered a technology to build nuclear batteries, becoming the fifth country worldwide to acquire the skill after Russia, France, UK and the United States, a senior advisor to the head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI), Asghar Zare'an, said Sunday, cited by Iran Daily.

The batteries can be used in the health sector and other industrial fields, for example, to produce cardiac pacemakers or advanced laptops.

The official also raised hopes that Iran would achieve further progress in developing and promoting this technology through cooperation with major companies in the field.

According to Zare'an, the 2015 nuclear deal, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), signed by Iran and the P5+1 group of countries had helped Iran find new partners and boost its research activities.

As an example, the official cited cooperation between Iran and Austria, which should lead to the construction of a joint ion therapy center in the Iranian province of Alborz, with total investments amounting to some $250 million, Zare'an added.

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On July 14, 2015, Iran and six international mediators (the Russian Federation, the United States, Great Britain, China, France and Germany) reached a historic agreement on the settlement of the long-standing problem of Iranian nuclear energy. The deal led to the withdrawal of economic and financial sanctions against Iran and contributed to the economic development of the country.

- Source : Sputnik

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