September 08, 2024
Science and Technology

Engineers Grow Major Piece Of The Human Heart And It Beats

July 20, 2022 at 09:00 AM
Researchers from the Universities of Toronto and Montreal in Canada have engineered a major piece of the human heart, and it beats normally. Read More »

China Using AI To Correct Court Rulings Forcing Judges To Submit A Written Explanation To The Machine If They Disagree

July 19, 2022 at 10:30 AM
Since at least 2016, China has been creating a “smart court” system, intending to improve the “fairness, efficiency, and credibility” of its judges. Now, China is using AI to correct court rulings forcing judges to submit a written explanation to the machine if they disagree. Read More »

Japan Is Building A Bullet Train To The Moon

July 19, 2022 at 09:00 AM
In a recent video, Kyoto University and Kajima Construction in Japan revealed their plan to build a bullet train to the moon, which will be called Glass. Read More »

High Level Of Toxic Chemical Nonylphenol Found In Drinking Water Across India

July 18, 2022 at 04:10 AM
A recent study by the Shriram Institute of Industrial Research in New Delhi has found a high level of toxic chemical nonylphenol in drinking water across India. Read More »

Earth And The Entire Solar System Can Collapse If This Happens To Neptune

July 14, 2022 at 10:00 AM
The other planets may eventually collide with one another or be ejected out of the solar system if a star passing through our solar system changed Neptune’s orbit by just 0.1 percent. This essentially means that the Earth and the entire solar system can collapse if this happens to Neptune. Read More »

Google Builds AI To Redistribute Wealth

July 13, 2022 at 02:57 AM
We do not need artificial intelligence to demonstrate that there are sustainable ways to live. But just how would an AI do when given this task? The answer is now available as Google builds an AI to redistribute wealth. Read More »

For The First Time Animals Have Been Cloned From Freeze-Dried Skin Cells

July 12, 2022 at 03:21 AM
Researchers led by Sayaka Wakayama from the University of Yamanashi in Japan have for the first time cloned animals from freeze-dried skin cells, but this technique still has a low success rate. Read More »

Researchers Develop A Cheaper And Less Invasive Alternative To IVF Treatments

July 12, 2022 at 03:07 AM
The University of New South Wales has successfully developed a cheaper and less invasive alternative to IVF treatments called CAPA in vitro maturation. Read More »

Scientists Create Algorithm That Can Predict Crime A Week In Advance

July 05, 2022 at 10:30 AM
A new algorithm has been created by scientists at the University of Chicago that can predict crime a week in advance with over 90% accuracy. Read More »

NASA Announces Plan To Put Nuclear Reactor On The Moon By 2030

June 29, 2022 at 09:54 AM
According to the latest announcement, NASA and the Department of Energy are working together to put a nuclear reactor on the Moon by 2030. Read More »
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