September 20, 2024
Science and Technology

Dwarf Tango in Space: Hubble Telescope Spots Dancing Stars

June 06, 2017 at 03:51 PM
Astronomers operating the Hubble Space Telescope have managed to obtain images of a graceful 'dance' performed by Read More »

Russian Scientist Patents Method to Create Atmosphere on Mars

May 31, 2017 at 03:34 PM
The sky over Mars may soon be shrouded by clouds: a scientist from the Russian city of Arkhangelsk has just patented Read More »

Rare frog’s ‘exposed heart’ makes scientists skip a beat (VIDEO)

May 30, 2017 at 04:42 PM
A new species of frog has been discovered in Ecuador, with researchers marvelling at its Read More »

Asteroid worth $10,000 quadrillion ‘could transform global economy’

May 26, 2017 at 04:13 PM
NASA scientists are outdoing themselves yet again: by reworking the planned route for a robotic mission to a giant asteroid worth $10,000 quadrillion Read More »

NASA telescope reveals secrets of TRAPPIST-1 exoplanets

May 23, 2017 at 05:40 PM
NASA’s Kepler telescope has confirmed crucial details about the orbital pattern of the seven newly discovered exoplanets in the TRAPPIST-1 system Read More »

NASA: Humans Accidentally Created Protective Barrier Around Earth

May 20, 2017 at 01:01 PM
It’s not your average climate change disaster story. Human activity has actually created an Read More »

Hubble telescope captures spectacular image of light bending through space (PHOTO)

May 17, 2017 at 03:36 PM
Scientists exploring the origins of the universe have photographed a cluster of galaxies six billion light years away Read More »

China Develops Software to Stop Whistleblowers From Leaking State Secrets

May 09, 2017 at 03:58 PM
The Chinese military is developing software that will be able to Read More »

ISS astronaut captures kaleidoscopic image of Himalayan lake (PHOTOS)

May 08, 2017 at 04:07 PM
French astronaut Thomas Pesquet has shared a stunning kaleidoscopic image of Read More »

NASA’s Cassini captures creepy noise between Saturn’s rings (AUDIO)

May 04, 2017 at 04:33 PM
There’s sound in the stars – but not as much as scientists had hoped. NASA’s Cassini spacecraft beamed back an eerily empty recording of Read More »
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