July 27, 2024
Science and Technology

LITHIUM mining for electric vehicles is incredibly destructive to the environment and about as far from “green” as you can imagine

September 28, 2022 at 12:00 PM
Electric vehicles are promoted as the solution for combating “climate change.” Governments are currently incentivizing the production of electric vehicles, while punishing the fossil fuel industry.  Read More »

France Prepares To Nationalize Its Struggling Nuclear Industry

September 26, 2022 at 04:44 AM
As the output of nuclear energy in France has reached an all-time low, France is now preparing to nationalise its struggling nuclear industry. Read More »

Dubai Is Making A $5 Billion Moon Resort

September 20, 2022 at 09:00 AM
Dubai is set to construct a $5 billion moon resort. The moon resort will include a nightclub, event space, lounge, international meeting place, spa and wellness area, and an internal moon shuttle. Read More »

India’s First Hydrogen Powered Trains

September 16, 2022 at 10:00 AM
India’s first hydrogen powered trains are in the works. Over 11 metric tons less carbon dioxide will be emitted each year thanks to the trains. Read More »

Space Agriculture Boldly Grows Food Where No One Has Grown Before

September 16, 2022 at 09:00 AM
Technology advancements have been significantly fueled by space exploration. Space agriculture is boldly growing food where no one has grown it before. Read More »

South Korean Physicists Create “Artificial Sun” To Get Clean Nuclear Energy

September 15, 2022 at 04:18 AM
South Korean physicists created an “artificial sun” to get clean nuclear energy. By starting a powerful nuclear reaction, South Korean physicists have unearthed an artificial source of clean nuclear energy. Read More »

7,000 Smuggled Donkey Penises Intercepted By Nigerian Officials After Smell From Sacks Aroused Suspicion

September 13, 2022 at 03:38 AM
Donkey skin and penises are frequently traded illegally from Nigeria to China for the purpose of the manufacture of Chinese medicine. Now, 7,000 smuggled donkey penises have been intercepted by Nigerian officials after smell from sacks aroused suspicion. Read More »

Ladakh To Have India’s First ‘Dark Sky Reserve’ To Promote Astronomy Tourism

September 12, 2022 at 03:51 AM
The Ladakh Union Territory administration is establishing India’s first ‘Dark Sky Reserve’ in Ladakh to promote astronomy tourism with the Changthang Wildlife Sanctuary housing the Hanle Dark Sky Reserve. Read More »

Cardiologist: Spike Proteins Generated by COVID-19 Vaccines Are ‘Toxic’ to Heart

September 12, 2022 at 03:38 AM
A pediatric cardiologist says that it’s now clear from all of the available evidence that the spike proteins the COVID-19 vaccines tell the body to make are toxic to the heart, and that myocarditis in young people is not as rare as the CDC and FDA have led Americans to believe. Read More »

Coup de theater: the Johnson and Johnson laboratory sentenced to 40.5 million dollars for having defrauded its patients

September 08, 2022 at 03:32 AM
On the eve of its trial for its role in the opioid crisis, the Johnson & Johnson laboratory agrees to pay 40.5 million dollars to close a particularly embarrassing legal file. And this, in the midst of a Coronavirus pandemic where the laboratory is seeking to sell its vaccines.  Read More »
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