September 20, 2024
Science and Technology

Russia shows off upgraded world’s most powerful rocket engine meant for Soyuz-5

March 14, 2019 at 09:32 AM
A Russian rocket engine producer has offered a sneak peek of its latest creation, the RD-171MV, which is slated to be part of Russia’s next workhorse launch vehicle and, later, a super heavy-lift rocket. Read More »

Pakistan tests new homegrown ‘smart weapon’ amid tensions with India (VIDEO)

March 14, 2019 at 09:11 AM
The Pakistan Air Force has successfully tested a new domestically-built extended-range missile, said to be a “smart weapon.” It also vowed to respond “with full force” if subjected to any foreign aggression. Read More »

Food of the future? Sweden to test 3D-printed meals on the elderly

March 06, 2019 at 12:01 PM
Pureed pastry may not sound appetizing, but Sweden is preparing to road test such a ‘dish’ as part of a new 3D-printed food project which aims to make higher-quality mushed meals and improve elderly people’s nutrition. Read More »

Australia to Expand Military Activity in Space – Report

March 06, 2019 at 09:56 AM
An Australian Air Force chief has said Canberra should exploit its geography to increase the country's presence in space, admitting however that the nation lags behind the world’s superpowers. Read More »

Chinese news station unveils world’s first female AI news anchor

February 22, 2019 at 01:49 PM
Chinese state-run news agency Xinhua has unveiled “the world’s first female AI news anchor.” The computer-generated journo will team up with Xinhua’s existing male AI anchors at an upcoming series of political meetings in China. Read More »

Israel aims for Moon with $100 million private space probe & Bible on board

February 20, 2019 at 01:43 PM
Israel is looking to join the ranks of space superpowers by becoming the fourth country to land a probe on the Moon. In addition to science instruments, the ‘Genesis’ probe will carry a copy of the Bible on a small metal disc. Read More »

India Seeks Help From Google & Microsoft to Combat Online Child Porn

February 18, 2019 at 09:36 AM
The minister made the remarks while responding to concerns raised by a lawmaker in the Indian Parliament. Read More »

Russia's First Manned Lunar Mission Expected to Land on Moon in 2031

February 12, 2019 at 09:34 AM
MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Russia's first ever manned lunar mission is expected to land on the Moon in 2031, according to a document prepared by the Russian Central Research Institute of Machine Building (TsNIIMash) and obtained by Sputnik. Read More »

New MARS IMAGE shows river delta that once carried WATER

February 08, 2019 at 02:56 PM
A photo taken by the ExoMars orbiter presents a stunning view of the ancient river delta, proving that water once flowed freely over the surface of the Red Planet, scientists say. Read More »

Iran unveils, successfully tests new long-range cruise missile (VIDEO)

February 07, 2019 at 02:07 PM
Tehran has showcased a new, long-range cruise missile, capable of covering over 1,350 kilometers. The munition has been already successfully tested, according to the country's military. Read More »
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